Weight Loss

To lose weight you going to have to…eat.
Follow these rules when choosing your next diet plan.
1. Eat 1g of protein per pound of body weight. This is hard. Even more so if you are vegetarian. But extremely possible and effective.
2. You should be able to stick with your plan for at least 6 months. This should eliminate smoothie diets and cleanses. If you do a cleanse for 6 months, you will die…not my idea of a great diet plan.
3. When you start losing weight, adjust for the new number of grams protein you should be consuming.
4. Eat vegetables. Just do it, they’re awesome!
There will be more challenges than this exhaustive list provides, but you need to eat protein to support the muscles that are doing the work in the gym and you need to stick with a plan. Compliance and longevity in health and wellness works way better than quick fixes and short cuts. Now, go eat!

Carl Zovko