Are You Looking to Stay Fit During Corona -19?

Remote Personal Training tailored to meet your fitness goals in the comfort of your own home.

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  • Do you want to burn fat?

  • Do you want to build confidence?

  • Do you want to increase your energy?

  • Do you want to come out of quarantine better than when you entered?

  • Do you want to implement habits to become a healthier, happier you?

  • If you answered “Yes!” then Remote Personal Training is for you.


Example Programming


AMRAP x 5 Minutes

10 Jumping Jacks
10 Alt. Lunges
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-ups

Full-Body Strength

EMOM x 15 Minutes

MIN 1: 10 DB Power Cleans into Front Rack Hold
MIN 2: 10 DB Suitcase Reverse Lunges into Suitcase Hold
MIN 3: 10 Push-ups then Max Push-up Plank
*After completing the 10 reps, athlete performs the second movement until the end of the minute.
(Score is Load)

Full-Body Workout

AMRAP x 15 Minutes

20 Alt. Jumping Lunges
20 DB Sumo Deadlift
20 DB Push Press
(Score is Rounds + Reps)


AMRAP x 5 Minutes
20 Russian Twist
20 Hollow Rocks or Holds
20 Leg Lifts