Are You Looking to Stay Fit During Corona -19?
Remote Personal Training tailored to meet your fitness goals in the comfort of your own home.
Do you want to burn fat?
Do you want to build confidence?
Do you want to increase your energy?
Do you want to come out of quarantine better than when you entered?
Do you want to implement habits to become a healthier, happier you?
If you answered “Yes!” then Remote Personal Training is for you.
Example Programming
AMRAP x 5 Minutes
10 Jumping Jacks
10 Alt. Lunges
10 Air Squats
10 Sit-ups
Full-Body Strength
EMOM x 15 Minutes
MIN 1: 10 DB Power Cleans into Front Rack Hold
MIN 2: 10 DB Suitcase Reverse Lunges into Suitcase Hold
MIN 3: 10 Push-ups then Max Push-up Plank
*After completing the 10 reps, athlete performs the second movement until the end of the minute.
(Score is Load)
Full-Body Workout
AMRAP x 15 Minutes
20 Alt. Jumping Lunges
20 DB Sumo Deadlift
20 DB Push Press
(Score is Rounds + Reps)
AMRAP x 5 Minutes
20 Russian Twist
20 Hollow Rocks or Holds
20 Leg Lifts